måndag 3 juni 2013

Getting ripped off by CP-admin.My story

I live in Norway and I fell for the scam quite early. I lost 200$ and wrote about it on a different forum. Ever since I did Ive gotten plenty of emails from potential victims with stories of how they almost sent theyre money to CP ADMIN but after reading about my story decided not to.

Do I receive emails from carding masters?
Yes, he will use multiple email accounts like James Dean , and Arthur johnson , and will also send threats if i dont stop exposing his criminal ring.

Want to help?
Here's how.

Send CPADMIN(cardingmasters) an email  Carding.master@yahoo.com claiming you want to buy something from him. Ask him to let you register an account first.
THEN post a link to this blog on his forum.
Even if he deletes it,there's a cache stored with google for a day or two. It will pop up quite visible to anyone loking for the carding masters website.

If Ive saved you money please donate a $ or two
Link is on the right.

5 kommentarer:

  1. i am setting up communication w/ him and will update you. i thought this guy was real. no?

  2. No, what he probably has done is to promise you a shipment if you pay to his Western Union or bitcoin.
    Choose western union and he'll most likely ask you to pay to his "associate" in pakistan called Adeel Arshad.
    What you do is say Yes, and have him prepare a shipment, then tell him your going to send him the money tomorrow. The next day,send him a fake MTCN and watch as he hijacks your account on his cardingforum. THis is done to prevent you from writing a post similar to this "
    So I payed you today and i never got a confirmation of receipt"

    secondly, ever notice how all the users start with perfect grammar but then when they post their verification its almost always done in poor grammar and "hey guys, i got package :LOL" type of language.

    I lost 400$ to this scamartist. And now i spend every day making people aware

    Good luck R.K


  3. Alboraaq forums (ABH) is also full of scammers to especially Verified Zepequeno he does exactly the same as what you say above, and i know this because it happened to me

  4. And good job on keeping people informed, I bet there are some people very happy to have seen this blog.

  5. Thanks for this article. Is this the same guy who owns procarder.ru? He's gotten impressive comments on the site about Wu transfers! But I ain't seeing anything negative about that forum online. Who will save me? I've already lost $2k wanting to do Wu traansfers but met only scammers and I'm exposing them, one by one, here: www.rippersplusscammers.blogspot.com who knows any real vendors out there? Hit me up on jarrodteller@gmail.com
